Exploring the Second Track at the Reporting 3.0 Conference: “The Journey”
Overview of sessions focused on the Transformation Journey Program at June 17/18 Reporting 3.0 Conference in Rotterdam
Following up on the previous release on The Village track at the 6th International Reporting 3.0 Conference, this release focuses on laying out the second track, The Journey. This track is dedicated to the Transformation Journey Program (TJP) that took place over the past half-year at ING in Amsterdam, John Hancock / Manulife in Boston, and Erasmus University in Rotterdam, with a 2-day workshop on each of the following four phases: The Basecamp, Planning the Route, The Climb, and The Mountain Top. Participants from high-impact organizations in all of these Programs will share their experiences, particularly elaborating on specific pilot implementations of transformational practices, programs, and policies.
The Conference will convene 17/18 June 2019 in the ultra-modern Erasmus Pavilion at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
To register for this dynamic Conference, click here.
The Journey 1: Basecamp
The Basecamp Stage of the Transformation Journey is dedicated to getting a “lay of the land,” so in the Conference, we use this session to set the stage for understanding the preconditions for transformation at all scales — individual (nano), organizational (micro), sectoral (meso), and systemic (macro).
Lois Guthrie of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) spoke at our Conference last year, and continues to engage by attending the Erasmus Transformation Academy. Lois will speak about WBCSD’s work that aligns with Reporting 3.0’s level of ambition, and opportunities for deeper collaboration between WBCSD and r3.0.
Ralph & Bill crossed paths with Adam Garfunkel of Junxion at The Meaning Conference last year, sparking Adam’s interest in joining the r3.0 community and attending the ING Transformation Journey Program in Amsterdam. Adam has played a key role in the launch of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking (whose head Simone Dettling will speak later in the Program), and will speak about the alignment between his work and r3.0’s level of advocacy.
The Journey 2: Planning the Route
The Planning the Route Stage of the Transformation Journey focuses on strategizing, exposing participants to the Reporting 3.0 Strategy Continuum and Integral Materiality Process. This Session in the Conference explores how TJP participants applied these tools to strategize transformation — exemplifying how you can too!
When mapping the efforts of Forum for Sustainability in Lifecycle Innovation on the Reporting 3.0 Strategy Continuum during the Amsterdam TJP, FSLCI Chair Martina Prox realized that the Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) community has yet to assess lifecycle impacts in the context of resource thresholds and allocations, across the multiple capitals, at the micro, meso, and macro levels — shortcomings her presentation will seek to overcome.
Soon after Marcia Bos started the Erasmus Transformation Academy, her company (Dutch health insurer VGZ) asked her to help lead a spin-off organization, Salut, to incubate a new, fit-for-purpose business model for health insurance over the coming decade. Marcia is using this opportunity to apply tools she learned in the Erasmus Transformation Academy.
Magdalena Matei has been “workshopping” the Scale of Significance at the Erasmus Transformation Academy, and she will present on the results with her colleague Erik Friedeberg of Manifesto as they seek to quantify the value of values.
The Journey 3: The Climb
The Climb Stage of the Transformation Journey focuses on implementing paradigm-shifting practices and policies, so this Session in the Conference will present hands-on examples of operationalizing initiatives that apply transformative levels of ambition.
At The Mountain Top TJP Workshop in Amsterdam, participants viewed a video of Global Reporting Initiative CEO Tim Mohin opining that the context-based approach (predicated on GRI’s Sustainability Context Principle) “kind of breaks down as you go into the human rights.”
Reporting 3.0 respectfully disagrees, considering the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) to be a context-based threshold for applying to human rights. And John Ruggie agrees.
Amsterdam TJP participant Lauren Muusse of ING will present on ING’s Human Rights Report, together the r3.0 Steering Board Member Mairead Keigher of Shift, who will speak to broader examples of applying the UNGPs as a threshold-based approach to upholding human rights.
The Journey 4: The Mountain Top
The Mountain Top Stage of the Transformation Journey focuses on mentoring others to climb Mount Thriveability on their own transformation journeys. So, this Session in the Conference will focus on how best to advocate for widespread transformation at the meso and macro levels.
At the first Amsterdam Transformation Journey Workshop, Floske Kusse presented on how ING is employing its Terra approach to align its €500 billion lending portfolio with the Paris target of limiting global warming to less than 2°C. At the Conference, Floske will explain how ING worked with the 2° Investing Initiative to expressly develop Terra as an open source methodology in order to make it easy for other lenders to follow suit — which they have (Floske will further explain who and how.)
And while the Paris target represents a threshold for climate change, similar sustainability thresholds exist across-the-board for all other ecological, social, and economic resources. Professor Stefan Bringezuof the UNEP International Resource Panel will present on the vital importance of developing deeper understanding — and methodologies for implementing — such thresholds, in particular through the governance mechanism of the Global Thresholds & Allocations Council that r3.0 is incubating.
Please see the Reporting 3.0 Conference Website to register and to view more Speaker Quotes and Biographies, the Full Program, Sponsors, and Venue information.
To register for this dynamic Conference, click here.
Bill Baue, b.baue@reporting3.org, Senior Director
Ralph Thurm, r.thurm@reporting3.org, Managing Director