Exploring the Third Track at the Reporting 3.0 Conference: The Sherpas

4 min readJun 11, 2019


Overview of sessions featuring r3.0 Advocation Partner “Sherpas” at the June Reporting 3.0 Conference in Rotterdam

Following up on the previous two releases (on The Village track, and on The Journey track), this release focuses on laying out the third track, The Sherpas, at the 6th International Reporting 3.0 Conference. The Sherpas track, so-named in honor of our Advocation Partners (APs) who act as “mountain guides” in support of necessary transformation, showcases the work of r3.0 Advocation Partners. Participants from high-impact organizations in all of these Programs will share their experiences, particularly elaborating on specific pilot implementations of transformational practices, programs, and policies.

The Conference will convene 17/18 June 2019 in the ultra-modern Erasmus Pavilion at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

To register for this dynamic Conference, click here.

We have Advocation Partner Henk Hadders to thank for seeding the term “Sherpa” in the Reporting 3.0 lexicon, as he lightheartedly riffed on the Transformation Journey mountain climb metaphor while live-tweeting last year’s Conference. Of course, he’s referencing the Sherpa people of Nepal, who are renowned for guiding climbers through Himalayan challenges — and hence a perfect term to describe Reporting 3.0 Advocation Partners, who guide companies, investors, governments, and others to implement the transformational changes necessary for navigating the Anthropocene.

The Sherpa Track at this year’s Conference spotlights Advocation Partners and other “guides” sharing hands-on examples of transformational change tools, initiatives, and programs.

Sherpa Guidance 1: Leadership and Followership

The first Sherpa session — focused on building leadership and followership awareness and willingness to act — gathers Advocation Partners implementing land-centered solutions:

  • Kevin Doyle Jones of GatherLab will present on the “Scaling Regenerative Agriculture in Illinois” project that was “labbed” at the Transform Series Conference last week in San Francisco;
  • Willem Ferwerda will present on Commonland’s 4 Returns approach (Social Capital, Natural Capital, Financial Capital, Inspiration) to landscape restoration in South Africa, Spain, Australia, and the Netherlands; and
  • Andy Whitman will present on Manomet’s collaboration with investors (including Hancock Natural Resource Group and others) to apply sustainable & regenerative agricultural practices to their farm investments using tools such as the Vital Capital Index.

Sherpa Guidance 2: Spreading the Virus

The second Sherpa session — focused on spreading the virus to move a whole organisation and its individuals — pulls together Advocation Partners who are using communications to advance thriveable transformation:

  • Kees Klomp will present on how THRIVE Institute is advancing its work on the Purpose Economy by applying concepts from the r3.0 Transformation Academy (which it is hosting in Rotterdam); and
  • Andrew Simms will speak on the power of gathering stories, as the Rapid Transition Alliance is doing around climate solutions, to help shift paradigms.

Sherpa Guidance 3: Momentum Toward ‘Necessary’ Ambition

The third Sherpa session — focused on momentum toward ‘necessary’ ambition — will feature a case study presented by Adrian de Groot Ruiz and Tjeerd Krumpelman on how of r3.0 Advocation Partner Impact Institute supported ABN AMRO to produce its first-ever Impact Report, including its pioneering Integrated Profit & Loss Statement as well as others, such as its Value Creation Statement, External Costs Statement, and Sustainable Development Goals Baseline Statement, which advance the r3.0 Accounting Blueprint notion of “multicapital, multilayered statements.”

Sherpa Guidance 4: Transition to Sustainable Finance

The fourth Sherpa session on the Transition to Sustainable Finance initiates a “soft launch” of the r3.0 Sustainable Finance Blueprint, with its focus on the next horizon of ambition necessary to transform finance beyond current initiatives, such as the High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance in Europe.

  • Simone Dettling of the UNEP Finance Initiative will present on how the new UN Principles for Responsible Banking represents a thresholds-based initiative, calling for alignment of lending portfolios with the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • Kris Douma of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment will present on investors upping their level of ambition, for example by implementing the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) that PRI is mandating for its signatories by 2020.
  • Rens van Tilburg of the Dutch Sustainable Finance Lab will speak on the key role of collaboration in shifting from entrenched short-termism to a long-arc perspective;
  • Manuel Adamini of the Climate Bonds Initiative will present on the role green bonds can play in shifting climate change from an existential threat into an opportunity to invest in the rehabilitation of our global economy.

Please see the Reporting 3.0 Conference Website to register and to view more Speaker Quotes and Biographies, the Full Program, Sponsors, and Venue information.

To register for this dynamic Conference, click here.


Bill Baue, Senior Director

Ralph Thurm, Managing Director




Written by r3.0

r3.0 is a pre-competitive & market-making non-profit delivering groundbreaking Blueprints, Transformation Journeys and Conferences for system value creation.

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