r3.0 2020 Conference — Exploring the First Thematic Thread — Science & Behaviour
by Ralph Thurm & Bill Baue, r3.0
In this 4-part series we explore the four thematic threads of the forthcoming 7th International r3.0 Conference, an online gathering to explore our Future Normals in a Regenerative in Distributive Economy. We have chosen 8 focus areas that we are going to focus on for a number of years, as they are needed for a systemic and holistic nearing of our super-wicked problems. These eight focus areas are:
This first Thematic Pairing (Science & Behavior) for the Plenary Keynote Panels on Day One of the Conference (8 September) is pinned to r3.0’s advocacy for economic system transformation based on “scientific realities & ethical imperatives.” The Covid Crisis underscores the need for science-informed behavior change. And Science & Behavior underpin our signature initiative, the Global Thresholds & Allocations Council (GTAC).
Advancing our understanding of these areas are four outstanding Keynoters who will speak on the opening Plenary Panel to kick off the Conference:
- Harald Sverdrup, Professor of System Dynamics, Inland Norway University, will present his scientific research on earth resource availability & depletion using the World7 model that updates the program used by Dana Meadows and her team in the groundbreaking Limits to Growth research;
- Jane Hwang, CEO of Social Accountability International, will present on the new Triple Bottom Line Organization Certification, the first ever to apply Context-Based Thresholds & Allocations to companies’ performance accounting disclosure;
- Allen White, Co-Founder of GRI and VP / Senior Fellow at Tellus Institute, will speak on the state of play globally on governing Thresholds & Allocations, focusing in particular on r3.0’s GTAC; and
- Michelle Holliday, Author of The Age of Thrivability, will present on how living systems principles are starting to inform how business models and economies are designed to spur transformation to thrivable behavior.
This Thematic Pairing of Science & Behavior will also be the focus of a 3-hour Interactive Session on Wednesday 9 September. Bookended by a short Plenary Intro, the three 50-minute Breakouts will features deeper dives on the issues introduced in the Keynotes, with Keynoters (and others) serving of Provocateurs to stimulate dynamic dialogue facilitated by r3.0 Advocation Partners and Academic Alliance Members. The Breakouts, which explore the dimensions of Pace, Scale, and Scope, will cover the following topics:
- PACE: Securing Vital Resources — the Decade to Deliver
Harald Sverdrup (Provocateur), Cécile van Open (Provocateur) and Kees Klomp (Facilitator)
- SCALE: Respecting Thresholds & Allocations Globally
Allen White (Provocateur), Heather Grady (Provocateur)and Bill Baue (Facilitator)
- SCOPE: Accounting for Sustainability Across the Triple Bottom Line
Jane Hwang (Provocateur), Mark McElroy (Provocateurs) and Delphine Gibassier
Please register for the conference at www.conference2020.r3–0.org. You can choose between a four-day ticket or for single-day tickets. r3.0 differentiates tickets for ‘for-profits’, ‘non-profits’, ‘academics’ and ‘students’.
In prolongation, r3.0 is using the conference as the basis for a forthcoming yearly ‘r3.0 World Progress Report’ in the eight focus areas that are needed to achieve a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. The report has the potential to become a major resource for every strategy-oriented department and outfit that is interested in “necessary transformation” toward the “future normal” of a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. Interested organisations are now asked to support the development of this report and become inaugurational sponsors of this new r3.0 project, as explained in the project brochure. Please notify b.baue@r3–0.org or r.thurm@r3–0.org of your intent to support.