r3.0 2020 Conference — Exploring the Fourth Thematic Thread — Education & Governance
by Ralph Thurm & Bill Baue, r3.0
In this 4-part series we explore the four thematic threads of the forthcoming 7th International r3.0 Conference, an online gathering to explore our Future Normals in a Regenerative in Distributive Economy. We have chosen 8 focus areas that we are going to focus on for a number of years, as they are needed for a systemic and holistic nearing of our super-wicked problems. These eight focus areas are:
The fourth Thematic Pairing in the r3.0 Conference, Education & Governance, focuses on issues that will be explored in the Educational Transformation and Systemic Governance & Funding Blueprints, which will launch their year-long development process at the Conference. As with all Thematic Tracks, it kicks off on Day One, with a Plenary Panel facilitated by Educational Transformation Blueprint Co-Author Joe Brewer and Bill Baue, featuring the following Keynote Speakers:
- Anneloes Smitsman, who is serving as the Lead Author of the Educational Transformation Blueprint, will present an integral, holistic vision for the future direction of education that nurtures thrivable outcomes.
- Greg Watson will discuss the revitalization of his early work with Buckminster Fuller by re-tooling and deploying Bucky’s World Game™ Workshop for education through simulation, focusing on the bioregional approach pioneered during his time at the New Alchemy Institute.
- Michael Quinn Patton will discuss the sea change occurring in the evaluation of governance through Blue Marble Evaluation, in particular focusing on the shift from Theory of Change as the foundation for vision and mission, to Theory of Transformation, which acknowledges the context of complex adaptive systems operating in the Anthropocene.
- Marjorie Kelly will present on her research and advocacy for distributed, cooperative ownership and inclusive, democratic governance as the keys to transformation to a new economy that serves the many, not just the few.
We delve deeper on the issues introduced in these Keynotes on Day Four (11 September) in the 3-hour Interactive Session devoted to Governance & Education. The three 50-minute Breakouts will feature Keynoters (and others) serving as Provocateurs to stimulate dynamic dialogue, facilitated by r3.0 Advocation Partners and Academic Alliance Members. The Breakouts, which explore the dimensions of Pace, Scale, and Scope, will cover the following topics:
- PACE: Educational Transformation to Regenerative Holism: Educational Transformation Blueprint Lead Author Anneloes Smitsman and Co-Author Joe Brewer will build on the Keynote Plenary session to lay out their individual and joint visions for the future of regenerative education in bioregional and global contexts, facilitated by Bill Baue of r3.0.
- SCALE: Regenerative & Distributive Governance & Ownership: Provocateur Marjorie Kelly will extend her Keynote to explore the roles of governance and ownership in spurring the emergence of a Regenerative & Distributive Economy, in conversation with Facilitator Lynn Benander, who will add her extensive knowledge of cooperative governance & ownership as President of Co-op Power (which she presented at our 2018 Conference)
- SCOPE: Transformative Governance & Bioregional Education: Keynoters / Provocateurs Michael Quinn Patton and Greg Watson will explore the intersection between Blue Marble Evaluation’s transformative influence on governance and the potential of the revitalization of Bucky Fuller’s World Game™ Workshop to enhance education in bioregional contexts, with synthesizing facilitation by Glenn Page of Blue Marble Evaluation, who will bring to bear his own work on the Transformation Systems Working Group among other experiences.
Please register for the conference at www.conference2020.r3–0.org. You can choose between a four-day ticket or for single-day tickets. r3.0 differentiates tickets for ‘for-profits’, ‘non-profits’, ‘academics’ and ‘students’.
In prolongation, r3.0 is using the conference as the basis for a forthcoming yearly ‘r3.0 World Progress Report’ in the eight focus areas that are needed to achieve a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. The report has the potential to become a major resource for every strategy-oriented department and outfit that is interested in “necessary transformation” toward the “future normal” of a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. Interested organisations are now asked to support the development of this report and become inaugurational sponsors of this new r3.0 project, as explained in the project brochure. Please notify b.baue@r3–0.org or r.thurm@r3–0.org of your intent to support.