r3.0 2020 Conference — Exploring the Third Thematic Thread — Value & Circularity
by Ralph Thurm & Bill Baue, r3.0
In this 4-part series we explore the four thematic threads of the forthcoming 7th International r3.0 Conference, an online gathering to explore our Future Normals in a Regenerative in Distributive Economy. We have chosen 8 focus areas that we are going to focus on for a number of years, as they are needed for a systemic and holistic nearing of our super-wicked problems. These eight focus areas are:
The third Thematic Pairing in the r3.0 Conference, Value & Circularity, focuses on the issues explored in the Value Cycles Blueprint, which will be released at the Conference. As with all Thematic Tracks, it kicks off on Day One, with a Plenary Panel featuring the following Keynote Speakers:
- Eveline Jonkhoff will present on the Amsterdam City Doughnut, picking up where Kate Raworth left off at last year’s Conference by describing the process of downscaling Doughnut Economics to the city level by applying Biomimicry and Circular Economy concepts;
- Janez Potočnik will bring his experience as EC Environment Commissioner and Co-Chair of the UNEP International Resources Panel to present a research & action agenda from the Club of Rome and SystemIQ on shifting our existing linear economy of delivering products to a Circular Economy for meeting needs;
- Jean Russell, author of Thrivability, will draw on her recent work with Holochain to discuss how digital ledgers and social technologies can help shift our conception and creation of value via mutualized relationships and value flows that respect ecological and social carrying capacities.
- James Quilligan will build on his presentation at our 2018 Conference to now advocate for a new theory of value based on economies as ecosystems, replacing supply & demand with resource thresholds & population allocations as the basis for currencies that link monetary debt to ecological debt as a means of creating distributed value.
We delve deeper on the issues introduced in these Keynotes on Day Four (11 September) in the 3-hour Interactive Session devoted to Value & Circularity. The three 50-minute Breakouts will feature Keynoters (and others) serving of Provocateurs to stimulate dynamic dialogue facilitated by r3.0 Advocation Partners and Academic Alliance Members. The Breakouts, which explore the dimensions of Pace, Scale, and Scope, will cover the following topics:
- PACE: Shifting to Economies as Ecosystems, with Provocateurs James Quilligan (who proposed this concept here) and Michel Bauwens, appearing at our Conference again after his 2018 Keynote and Facilitator Adam Garfunkel (who keynoted at our 2019 Conference).
- SCALE: Seeding Circular Economies through Regional Doughnut, with Provocateurs Teina Boasa-Dean (who co-conceived the Māori Doughnut) and Salomé Galjaard (who will pick up on Eveline Jonkhoff’s Keynote on the Amsterdam City Doughnut) and Facilitator Martina Prox (who keynoted at our 2019 Conference).
- SCOPE: The Value of Thrivability, a very special open dialogue between Provocateurs Michelle Holliday and Jean Russell, who have both written books on Thrivability, facilitated by Advocation Partner Trae Ashlie-Garen.
Please register for the conference at www.conference2020.r3–0.org. You can choose between a four-day ticket or for single-day tickets. r3.0 differentiates tickets for ‘for-profits’, ‘non-profits’, ‘academics’ and ‘students’.
In prolongation, r3.0 is using the conference as the basis for a forthcoming yearly ‘r3.0 World Progress Report’ in the eight focus areas that are needed to achieve a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. The report has the potential to become a major resource for every strategy-oriented department and outfit that is interested in “necessary transformation” toward the “future normal” of a Regenerative & Distributive Economy. Interested organisations are now asked to support the development of this report and become inaugurational sponsors of this new r3.0 project, as explained in the project brochure. Please notify b.baue@r3–0.org or r.thurm@r3–0.org of your intent to support.